Maintenance and storage solutions for the aviation sector
Do you need more storage space for aircraft? Does your commercial fleet need room to grow or be maintained? We designed our industrial aircraft hangars for airports and aviation companies that want to expand operations or increase maintenance operations.

Less civil work for faster installation
Because our aircraft hangars are anchored to the ground via stakes, they require no foundations and can be installed in record time with no prior ground preparation or civil works. Where possible, all structural elements are pre-mounted, and all roof covers are fitted with easy-to-install keder rims, facilitating assembly even further. As a result, our industrial aircraft hangars can be installed in very little time, with less building machinery and fewer people, making them an excellent alternative to traditional buildings.

Top-notch quality and durability
Constructed using high-grade materials such as anodized aluminum or galvanized steel for frame elements, double-sided PVC coated polyester fabric covers or high-resistance steel cladding, our aircraft hangars are built to stand the test of time and made to last. In fact, they can often be used for up to 30 years in standard climate conditions, and there is the potential to further extend their lifecycles by replacing their covers when needed at a reduced cost.
Fully modular for increased operability
Unlike traditional buildings, our industrial aircraft hangars are fully modular in design, so they can be easily extended or reduced in size or even moved from one location to another. When you want more from your structure, our hangars offer long-term operability by enabling you to adapt the hangar's size or site according to your urgent operational needs.

Customized space solutions to match your requirements
Whatever your space requirements, our industrial aircraft hangars are built to meet your specific needs. They are available in various sizes and shapes, can be fitted with a variety of fit-for-purpose doors and can be constructed to withstand local wind and snow loads. Whether you require temporary or permanent shelters, our hangars can accommodate all types of aircraft, from small helicopters to full-sized passenger planes.
To ensure our structures offer ultimate versatility, they can be built using a range of different materials to meet your specific requirements. Our frames are constructed using aluminum, steel or a combination of both, making our structures strong enough to withstand the most extreme of conditions. Roof covers can be made from a soft, single or double PVC-coated membrane, single sheet steel cladding or sandwich panels. We calculate all structural elements based upon the local wind and weather conditions or required snow loads.
Overcoming aviation-specific challenges with customized designs
With a long history of working within the aviation industry, our experience has led us to implement highly-customized and specific solutions for our customers. For example, we have delivered custom-built nose cone doors to facilitate maintenance, t-shaped empennage doors to optimize internal space usages in hangars and self-ballasted structures on airport platforms where drilling is not permitted. Tell us your challenges, and we will provide innovative solutions to fit and optimize the available space.
Quality solutions to meet your exact requirements
We have a great deal of experience in working within restrictive airport environments, where interrupting everyday flight operations to expand, reduce or build our structures simply isn't an option. We navigate these issues expertly, so you don't have to. In fact, these restrictions and constraints make our work more thrilling, and we enjoy the challenge.
Ultimate flexibility and benefits
When you need flexibility that doesn't sacrifice speed or usability, get in touch with our experts, who will be able to provide you with advice and guidance for your project. Whether for temporary or permanent use, our industrial aircraft hangars can be customized to meet every requirement. With options including bespoke doors, windows, insulation and HVAC systems, our structures can be sized up, down or moved around, all while offering the ultimate in protection against extreme weather conditions through high-resistance and maximum durability.
Nos services
Une attention toute particulière à la qualité et à la sécurité
Fiabilité des livraisons
Ces dernières années, 99,2 % de toutes nos livraisons de matériel ont été effectuées dans les délais. Les derniers 0,8 % ? On y travaille ! Outre la livraison dans les délais (et dans le respect du budget), nous veillons toujours à ce qu'il y ait une reception de chantier ainsi qu’une levée des réserves le cas échéant. Comme nous concevons, développons, produisons et construisons nous-mêmes toutes nos structures, nos équipes d'installation connaissent très bien tous nos bâtiments.
Une excellente gestion de projet
Nos chefs de projet sont des professionnels très expérimentés, qui ont mené à bien un grand nombre de projets complexes. La plupart d'entre eux fournissent à leurs clients des solutions de premier ordre en matière d'espace depuis plus de dix ans. Avant le début du projet, vous aurez un interlocuteur unique. Cette personne connaîtra les tenants et aboutissants de votre projet et sera toujours à votre écoute.
Les meilleurs conseils possibles...
...pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles. Notre équipe expérimentée et très compétente n'hésitera pas à vous conseiller, même si vous savez exactement ce que vous voulez. Pourquoi ? Parce qu'un avis d'expert fait souvent la différence entre une bonne et la meilleure solution possible. Parce que c'est ce que nous nous efforçons de faire, tout en vous offrant une expérience client exceptionnelle.
La sécurité n'est jamais un problème
Tous les membres du personnel de Losberger De Boer sont pleinement qualifiés et certifiés pour construire nos bâtiments de manière sûre et conforme. Nos structures respectent les normes de sécurité les plus strictes, car elles ne contiennent que des matériaux de haute qualité et sont conçues et fabriquées par nos propres spécialistes en développement de produits.
Quelques chiffres et statistiques
Losberger De Boer a été fondée en
Nombre de filiales dans le monde
Nombre de travailleurs professionnels dans le monde
Taux moyen de satisfaction des clients en 2023
Cette solution vous intéresse ?
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour obtenir plus d'informations sur la location ou l’achat de l'une de nos structures.

Managing Director