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Awarded EcoVadis Gold Medal: A Milestone in Our Sustainability Journey

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Nachhaltigkeit und umweltbewusste Geschäftspraktiken spielen bei Losberger De Boer eine Schlüsselrolle für unsere Arbeit. Mit Stolz und der Verpflichtung zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung teilen wir einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf unserem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit: Losberger De Boer ist mit der EcoVadis-Goldmedaille ausgezeichnet worden.


A Recognition of Effort and a Call for Continuous Improvement

Receiving the EcoVadis Gold Medal is not just a moment of celebration for us; it's an opportunity to reflect on our practices and identify areas for further growth. Particularly, it highlights the importance of aligning our sustainability action plans with measurable outcomes, ensuring that our efforts lead to tangible improvements in our operations and impact.


Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Future

The journey towards sustainability is ongoing, and with the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) by the EU, the landscape is evolving. This directive will require us and all other large European companies to provide even greater transparency in how we manage our environmental and social responsibilities. As standards rise and expectations grow, retaining our Gold status and competitive edge means intensifying our sustainability initiatives. That’s why we consider our gold medal a milestone – it is a fair representation of where we are, but we are aware of how much work still needs to be done.


Committed to Making a Positive Impact

Sustainability is a shared responsibility, and this recognition reinforces our commitment to making a positive impact on the planet and society. It serves as a reminder that every action counts and that together, we can achieve remarkable progress.


We thank all our employees for their hard work and dedication to making Losberger De Boer a leader in sustainability. As we continue on this path, we are motivated not just to meet the gold standard but to redefine it, setting new benchmarks for our industry and beyond.